Guys i'm after a bit of backup as am perhaps doubting myself now.

I'm having a bit of a row with a CSA (solutions architect) at our company.

A backup design has been done where 2 sites have Solaris clients 
configured with the same name and ip, and one site is just disconnected 
from the network.
There is a Netbackup Server  6.5.3 (Windows) which backs up the 
connected clients from site 1.

What they want for a DR test is this :-

1. Disconnect the clients from site1 on the network.
2. Enable the network connections of clients on site2 (with same name 
and ip of site1 clients)
3. Restore to the running Solaris server through netbackup of a client 
image taken on site 1.

My understanding was you wouldn't ever try and restore a whole system 
from file system based backups to a running solaris OS. Is that correct 

I also can see all sorts of problems having the client names the same 
and same ips. Arp tables etc. I'd personally have the client names 
referenced differently in Netbackup regardless of the hostnames which 
could be the same?

Veritas-bu maillist  -

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