This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you!

On Wed, 12 Aug 2009, wrote:

> These are all the things you can choose from when writing a report in
> NOM.
> Not to say that it "tracks" it (as in you have history) but they are
> fields you can put in reports.
> Select the data for the report.
> Note: Once the report is saved the data can not be changed.
>    Data View  Description
>     30 Day Clients Not Backed Up
>   Fields:
>   ClientHardware
>   ClientName
>   ClientOS
>   HostGUID
>   PolicyName
>   ScheduleName
>   ServerName  Clients in a policy who have not had a backup in the last
> thirty days.
>     7 Day Clients Not Backed Up
>   Fields:
>   ClientHardware
>   ClientName
>   ClientOS
>   HostGUID
>   PolicyName
>   ScheduleName
>   ServerName  Clients in a policy who have not had a backup in the last
> seven days.
>     Catalog
>   Fields:
>   ClientName
>   FullCompCnt
>   FullCompKB
>   FullUncompCnt
>   FullUncompKB
>   HostGUID
>   IncrCompCnt
>   IncrCompKB
>   IncrUncompCnt
>   IncrUncompKB
>   OtherCnt
>   OtherKB
>   ServerName
>   SummaryTime
>   SummaryTime_offset
>   UbakCompCnt
>   UbakCompKB
>   UbakUncompCnt
>   UbakUncompKB  Catalog meta-data.
>     Client List from Jobs
>   Fields:
>   ClientName
>   HostGUID
>   ServerName  All Clients per server.
>     Client List from Policies
>   Fields:
>   ClientName
>   HostGUID
>   ServerName  All Clients in a policy.
>     Client Media
>   Fields:
>   ClientName
>   Files
>   Fragments
>   HostGUID
>   kBytes
>   MediaID
>   MediaType
>   ServerName  Summarizes media usage by client
>     Cold Catalog Backup
>   Fields:
>   BackupDate
>   BackupDate_offset
>   BackupMedia
>   HostGUID
>   ServerName  Cold Catalog Backup Information.
>     Combined Job and Image
>   Fields:
>   AttemptNumber
>   ClientName
>   ClientNameID
>   Compression
>   ControlHost
>   CopyID
>   DstMediaID
>   ElapsedTime
>   EndTime
>   EndTime_offset
>   ExitStatus
>   FileCount
>   FragmentCopyID
>   FragmentDriveIndex
>   FragmentExpiration
>   FragmentMediaGUID
>   FragmentMediaType
>   FrozenImage
>   GroupID
>   HostGUID
>   ImageExpiration
>   ImageExpiration_offset
>   ImageGUID
>   JobDefinitionName
>   JobGUID
>   JobID
>   JobState
>   JobType
>   kBytes
>   MediaID
>   MediaServerName
>   NBUVersion
>   NumTapesToEject
>   OSDescription
>   Owner
>   ParentJobID
>   PercentComplete
>   PolicyName
>   PolicyType
>   Priority
>   ProductName
>   ProfileName
>   Retention
>   RobotName
>   ScheduleName
>   ScheduleType
>   ServerName
>   SessionID
>   SrcMediaID
>   StartTime
>   StartTime_offset
>   StorageUnit
>   TapeCopyNumber
>   Throughput
>   VaultName  Combined Image and Job information
>     Drive
>   Fields:
>   Acs
>   AssignedHost
>   CleanFreq_In_hours
>   ControlHostname
>   ControlMode
>   DeletedTime
>   Drive
>   DriveId
>   DriveIdentifier
>   DriveName
>   DriveOEMDensityName
>   DriveOrdinalID
>   DriveStatus
>   DriveType
>   Enabled
>   Evsn
>   HostGUID
>   InquiryInfo
>   IsControlUp
>   LastCleanTime
>   LastSeenTime
>   LocalControl
>   Lsm
>   MediaDensityIdentifier
>   MediaDensityOEMDensityName
>   MediaFullName
>   MediaIdentifier
>   MediaOEMMediaName
>   MediaOrdinalID
>   MediaValidDriveTypeBitmap
>   MountedTime
>   Ndmp
>   OccupyIndex
>   OEMDriveName
>   OprComment
>   Panel
>   RDriveIdentifier
>   Ready
>   RequestId
>   RobotDriveNumber
>   RobotFullName
>   RobotIdentifier
>   RobotNumber
>   RobotOEMRobotName
>   RobotOrdinalID
>   RobotType
>   Rvsn
>   ScanHost
>   SerialNumber
>   ServerName
>   Shared
>   TapeAlert1
>   TapeAlert2
>   TotalTime_In_hours
>   UserName
>   VendorDriveName
>   VmHost
>   VolumeHeader
>   WorldWideId
>   WriteEnabled  Current Drive information.
>     Full Tape Size
>   Fields:
>   HostGUID
>   KBytes
>   MediaCount
>   MediaType
>   NImages
>   ServerName  Average Kbytes,count of images per media type, per
> server.
>     Hot Catalog Backup
>   Fields:
>   BackupDate
>   BackupDate_offset
>   BackupMedia
>   HostGUID
>   ServerName  Hot Catalog Backup Information.
>     Image
>   Fields:
>   ClientNameID
>   CopyID
>   FragmentCopyID
>   FragmentDriveIndex
>   FragmentExpiration
>   FragmentMediaGUID
>   FragmentMediaType
>   HostGUID
>   ImageExpiration
>   ImageExpiration_offset
>   ImageGUID
>   ImageID
>   MediaID
>   ServerName  Current Image information.
>     Job Attempt Pass Rate
>   Fields:
>   ClientName
>   CountFail
>   CountPartial
>   CountSuccess
>   CountTotal
>   HostGUID
>   PolicyType
>   Rate
>   ServerName  Summary of job information, including attempts.
>     Job Attempt
>   Fields:
>   AttemptNumber
>   ClientName
>   Compression
>   ControlHost
>   DstMediaID
>   ElapsedTime
>   EndTime
>   EndTime_offset
>   ExitStatus
>   FileCount
>   FrozenImage
>   GroupID
>   HostGUID
>   ImageID
>   JobDefinitionName
>   JobGUID
>   JobID
>   JobState
>   JobType
>   kBytes
>   MediaServerName
>   NBUVersion
>   NumTapesToEject
>   OSDescription
>   Owner
>   ParentJobID
>   PercentComplete
>   PolicyName
>   PolicyType
>   Priority
>   ProductName
>   ProfileName
>   Retention
>   RobotName
>   ScheduleName
>   ScheduleType
>   ServerName
>   SessionID
>   SourceMediaServer
>   SourceStorageUnit
>   SrcMediaID
>   StartTime
>   StartTime_offset
>   StorageUnit
>   TapeCopyNumber
>   Throughput
>   VaultName  All job information, including attempts, for each job.
>     Job Pass Rate
>   Fields:
>   ClientName
>   CountFail
>   CountPartial
>   CountSuccess
>   CountTotal
>   HostGUID
>   PolicyType
>   Rate
>   ServerName  Summary of job information.
>     Job Variance
>   Fields:
>   AVG_FileCount
>   AVG_kBytes
>   AVG_Throughput
>   ClientName
>   EndTime
>   EndTime_offset
>   FileCount
>   FileCountDiff
>   HostGUID
>   JobGUID
>   JobID
>   kBytes
>   kBytesDiff
>   PolicyName
>   PolicyType
>   ScheduleName
>   ScheduleType
>   ServerName
>   StartTime
>   StartTime_offset
>   Throughput
>   ThroughtputDiff  Shows jobs with average and variation data.
>     Job
>   Fields:
>   AttemptNumber
>   ClientName
>   Compression
>   ControlHost
>   DstMediaID
>   DstStorgeUnit
>   ElapsedTime
>   EndTime
>   EndTime_offset
>   ExitStatus
>   FileCount
>   FrozenImage
>   GroupID
>   HostGUID
>   ImageID
>   JobDefinitionName
>   JobGUID
>   JobID
>   JobState
>   JobType
>   kBytes
>   MediaServerName
>   NBUVersion
>   NumTapesToEject
>   OSDescription
>   Owner
>   ParentJobID
>   PercentComplete
>   PolicyName
>   PolicyType
>   Priority
>   ProductName
>   ProfileName
>   Retention
>   RobotName
>   ScheduleName
>   ScheduleType
>   ServerName
>   SessionID
>   SourceMediaServerName
>   SrcMediaID
>   StartTime
>   StartTime_offset
>   StorageUnit
>   TapeCopyNumber
>   Throughput
>   VaultName  All Job information, only includes the final state of the
> job.
>     Media State
>   Fields:
>   HostGUID
>   MediaStatus
>   ServerName
>   StatusCount  State of the media.
>     Media Summary
>   Fields:
>   AssignedVolumeCount
>   FrozenCount
>   FullCount
>   HostGUID
>   MediaServerGUID
>   MediaServerName
>   MediaType
>   MediaTypeOrdinal
>   OffSiteCount
>   RobotNumber
>   ServerName
>   SummaryTime
>   SummaryTime_offset
>   SuspendedCount
>   UnassignedVolumeCount  Daily Summary of Media
>     Media
>   Fields:
>   AllocatedDate
>   AllocatedDate_offset
>   Barcode
>   Density
>   ExpirationDate
>   ExpirationDate_offset
>   FriendlyServerName
>   Fullname
>   HeaderSize
>   HostGUID
>   Identifier
>   Imported
>   KBytes
>   LastRestoreDate
>   LastRestoreDate_offset
>   LastWrittenDate
>   LastWrittenDate_offset
>   LOffset
>   MediaID
>   MediaName
>   MediaStatus
>   MediaType
>   Multiplexed
>   MultiRetention
>   NImages
>   NRestores
>   NValidImages
>   OEMMediaName
>   PartitionSize
>   PartnerID
>   ReservedOff1
>   ReservedOff2
>   RetentionLevel
>   RobotName
>   RobotNumber
>   SectorSize
>   ServerName
>   Slot
>   Version
>   VmPool
>   Vol1
>   VolumeGroupName
>   VolumeInfoMediaID  All current NetBackup Media information.
>     Policy Change
>   Fields:
>   HostGUID
>   PolicyName
>   Retirement
>   Retirement_offset
>   ServerName  Policy Changes
>     Policy
>   Fields:
>   Active
>   AltClientName
>   BackupCopy
>   BlockIncrement
>   Calendar
>   CheckPointInterval
>   CheckPoints
>   ClassID
>   ClientCompress
>   ClientEncrypt
>   ClientHardware
>   ClientHostname
>   ClientOS
>   CollectBMRInfo
>   CollectTIRInfo
>   Copies
>   CrossMountPoints
>   DataMoverType
>   DisasterRecovery
>   EffectiveDate
>   EffectiveDate_offset
>   ExtSecInfo
>   FastRecovery
>   FileList
>   FileListCount
>   FollowNFSMounts
>   Frequency
>   FrozenImage
>   HostGUID
>   Ifrfr
>   Keyword
>   MaxJobsPerClass
>   MaxMPX
>   ModifiedBy
>   OffHostBackup
>   PFIEnabled
>   PolicyFailOnError
>   PolicyID
>   PolicyMaxFragSize
>   PolicyName
>   PolicyNameID
>   PolicyNumberOfCopies
>   PolicyPriority
>   PolicyStatus
>   PolicyType
>   Pool
>   ProxyClient
>   Residence
>   Retirement
>   Retirement_offset
>   ScheduleFailOnError
>   ScheduleMaxFragSize
>   ScheduleName
>   ScheduleNumberofCopies
>   SchedulePriority
>   ScheduleType
>   ServerName
>   SnapshotMethod
>   SnapshotMethodArgs
>   Streaming
>   Synthetic
>   UseAltClient
>   UseDataMover  All current NetBackup Policy Information
>     Robot Capacity
>   Fields:
>   AvgFullTape
>   EmptySlots
>   FullSlots
>   HostGUID
>   MaxSlot
>   RobotNumber
>   ServerName  Capacity information for robots.
>     Robot
>   Fields:
>   AsciiName
>   ControlHost
>   DaHost
>   DensityIdentifier
>   DensityOEMName
>   HostGUID
>   InquiryInfo
>   LastSeenTime
>   MaxDrive
>   MaxSlot
>   MediaIdentifier
>   MediaOEMName
>   MediaType
>   RobotIdentifier
>   RobotNumber
>   RobotOEMName
>   RobotType
>   SerialNumber
>   ServerName
>   VolumeManagerHost  All current robot information.
>     Server
>   Fields:
>   DataCollectionEnabled
>   FriendlyName
>   HardwareDescription
>   HostGUID
>   HostName
>   LastContact
>   LastContact_offset
>   OffsetFromGMT
>   Online
>   OSDescription
>   PBXServiceID
>   ServerName
>   ServiceName
>   Valid  NOM Managed Server information.
>     Volume
>   Fields:
>   Barcode
>   CleaningsRemaining
>   Created
>   Created_offset
>   DateVaulted
>   DateVaulted_offset
>   Description
>   ExpirationDate_offset
>   FirstMount
>   FirstMount_offset
>   FriendlyServerName
>   HostGUID
>   LastMount
>   LastMount_offset
>   MaxMounts
>   MediaID
>   MediaServerName
>   MediaStatus
>   MediaType
>   Mounts
>   Partner
>   ReturnDate
>   ReturnDate_offset
>   RobotControlHost
>   RobotFullName
>   RobotID
>   RobotIdentifier
>   RobotNumber
>   ServerName
>   SessionID
>   SideOrFace
>   TimeAssigned
>   TimeAssigned_offset
>   VaultContainer
>   Volume_ExpirationDate
>   VolumeGroup
>   VolumePoolName
>   VolumePoolNumber
>   VolumeSlot  All current volume information.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Justin
> Piszcz
> Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 7:17 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Veritas-bu] NetBackup Reporter Tool Question
> Hello all,
> I had a quick question-- netbackup reporter tool (part of NOM) basically
> tracks all of the things within a NBU environment, does anyone have a
> list
> of all items that can be tracked withinin an environment?
> Or perhaps a report of "show me everything"?
> Justin.
> _______________________________________________
> Veritas-bu maillist  -
Veritas-bu maillist  -

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