"...on the master when each job starts."

I'm a little late to this thread, but how about:

# session_start_notify.sh
# This script is called by the NetBackup scheduler each time at least
# one backup/archive will be run, prior to starting anybackups/archives.
# this script:
#       requires no parameters
#       must be executable by the root user
#       should exit with 0 upon successful completion

That fit your requirement stated above?

root user wrote:
> Correct, backup_notify is not what I'm looking for because it runs
> when a backup job completes, which backup_exit_notify is already doing
> quite reliably on the Master server.  Having something do the same, but
> on my various Media servers, does not help.  I was looking for a script
> to run on the Master when each backup job begins.
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 2:51 AM, bob944 <bob...@attglobal.net
> <mailto:bob...@attglobal.net>> wrote:
>     > > > Need to run a script on the Master server when each
>     > > > backup job starts. I tried "parent_start_notify" and
>     > > > found that it only runs for policies that have "Allow
>     > > > Multiple Data Streams" checked.
>     > > > It seems to me that there should be some script that
>     > > > can be run reliably on the master every time a backup
>     > > > runs...  Any suggestions?
>     > >
>     > > Are you looking at the Veritas NetBackup Administrator's
>     > > Guide, Vol II, NetBackup notify scripts chapter?
>     > > backup_[exit_]notify runs on the media server for each
>     > > backup.
>     > Thnaks. I'm looking in NBU 6.5 Administrators Guide for
>     > Unix Volume 2:
>     >
>     > *The backup_exit_notify script runs on the master server.
>     > It is called to perform site-specific processing when an
>     > individual backup completes.*
>     I confused the issue by trying to show the complementary
>     backup_notify and backup_exit_notify in the same sentence.  Look
>     again at 6.5 Admin II on page 173; backup_notify runs on the media
>     server and backup_exit_notify on the master.  So, yes:
>     > But what I need is a backup_start_notify* *script that
>     > runs on the Master when my backup job starts.  As far
>     > as I can tell, such a script does not exist.
>     Is backup_notify on the media server not helpful for your
>     requirement?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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