It's true, you do need to install this library and it's documented in 
the release notes. If you have yum configured you can use yum to install 
the lib.

naymyotun wrote:
> Hi Guru,
> I m a netbackup beginner. I just received three packages from my vendor to 
> install the netbackup 6.5 on my redhat 5 development server.
> ( 1 )NetBackup_6.5_LinuxRedhat2.6.tar.gz 
> ( 2 )NetBackup_6.5_ICS_LinuxX86.tar.gz
> ( 3 )NetBackup_6.5_CLIENTS2.tar.gz 
> First of all , I install the package 1 and i got the following error message.
> "CPI ERROR V-9-0-0 The '' compatibility library must
> be installed before you can install the VRTSpbx package.  You can install
> the '' library by installing the 'compat' RPM, which
> you can find on the SuSE OS installation media or on the download section of
> the SuSE/Novell Web site.
> The following systems do not have this library installed:
>         localhost
> installics log files are saved at /opt/VRTS/install/logs/installics-LBhDYy
> The ICS install for VRTSpbx was unsuccessful.
> Quitting the NetBackup install.
> I tried installing the package 2 using the  different terminal and I received 
> the same error message.
> Task Menu:
>     I) Install/Upgrade a Product  C) Configure an Installed Product
>     L) License a Product          P) Perform a Pre-Installation Check
>     U) Uninstall a Product        D) View a Product Description
>     Q) Quit                       ?) Help
> Enter a Task: [I,C,L,P,U,D,Q,?] I
>               Symantec Infrastructure Core Services Installer 5.0
>      1)  Symantec Private Branch Exchange
>      2)  Symantec Product Authentication Service
>      3)  Symantec Product Authorization Service
>      b)  Back to previous menu
> Select a product to install: [1-3,b,q] 1
> Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to install PBX: nay
> Initial system check:
>     Checking PBX installation on localhost........................ not 
> installed
>               Symantec Infrastructure Core Services Installer 5.0
> Checking installed rpms on localhost
> CPI ERROR V-9-0-0 The '' compatibility library must
> be installed before you can install the VRTSpbx package.  You can install
> the '' library by installing the 'compat' RPM, which
> you can find on the SuSE OS installation media or on the download section of
> the SuSE/Novell Web site.
> The following systems do not have this library installed:
>         localhost
> installics log files are saved at /opt/VRTS/install/logs/installics-kxi6WZ
> If you want to install, configure or manage another application, type Y to 
> continue...
> But I checked on the  netbackup 6.5 UNIX installation guide and there is not 
> step to install this " CPI ERROR V-9-0-0 The '' 
> compatibility library " .   I believe there is something wrong in my 
> installation. Pls. help to advise.
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