Sorry Typo in my first reply Using Powershell ensures EV is "AVALIBLE" for user 
and never have to shut down and restart any service's


Org message:


In EV 8.0 you should use powershell to do backups.
Meaning powershell command puts EV in backup mode.
Using scripts make sure EV never is unavailable for users.

Here is an example of scripts I use in my test lab:

Setting backup mode

powershell -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" 
set-IndexLocationBackupMode evsite01
powershell -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" 
set-vaultstorebackupmode -name 'Primary VSG01' -evservername ev01 -evobjecttype 
powershell -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" 
set-vaultstorebackupmode -name 'Primary VSG02' -evservername ev01 -evobjecttype 

Clearing backup mode

powershell -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" 
clear-IndexLocationBackupMode evsite01
powershell -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" 
clear-vaultstorebackupmode -name 'Primary VSG01' -evservername ev01 
-evobjecttype vaultstoregroup
powershell -psconsolefile "C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault\EVShell.psc1" 
clear-vaultstorebackupmode -name 'Primary VSG02' -evservername ev01 
-evobjecttype vaultstoregroup

Note!! EVSITE01 is the name of my EVSITE - PrimaryVSG01 and 02 is name of my 
Vault Store Groups.
When it comes to SQL, use online agent or make a dump script and backup DB. 
Make sure backup is consistent.


[] On Behalf Of Francisco 
Javier Gallegos Iglesias
Sent: 12. november 2009 14:12
Subject: [Veritas-bu] Problem with Netbackup 6.5 and EV 8.0


I need some help, because I have a Enterprise Vault 8.0 without the agent of 
NetBackup, that means that I make backup in a traditional way, with scrips of 
start and stop. And makes the next:

The first script down the data base of EV.
After this make copy of two net folder 
The second script launch a backup of SQL instance  (licenses) and up the Data 
Bases of Enterprise Vault.

Is this well done? Or I have to do, some changes. At this moment I have a 
status code 59, but I think that it is related to other thing, I suppose.

Thanks for all.
Veritas-bu maillist  -

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