
I have a set of tapes that contain an important backup.  The backup has 
expired, but the tapes haven't been over-written, and I intend to "bpimport" 
them at a future time.

In the meantime I want to freeze the tapes, but trying to freeze an unassigned 
tape produces the message "requested media id was not found in NB media 
database and/or MM volume database".

I thought I could assign the tapes with "vmquery -assignbyid <media_id> 
<media_type> <pool_number> <status> <assigntime>" and then do the freeze, but 
although the tapes get assigned (status 0 in "vmquery") they still can't be 

Any suggestions?  (Solaris 5.9, NetBackup 5.1MP6, one master/media server, 
three further media servers all sharing the same drives with SSO).

Many thanks,
Tim Lane.

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