On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 06:24:59PM -0400, mitch808 wrote:
> As others mentioned, just step away from VTL's in general.  All they are,
> are disk as the base, with software on top, emulating tape, with a big
> markup for that software.
> Just buy plain disk, or re-use disk you may already have, and backup
> to disk.  Add in deduplication that is native now in NBU7, and you have
> a great combination that is affordable and eliminates a lot of
> complexity of a "black box."

But there can be a big price difference.  For a VM environment, I'm
getting rather good compression.  I would have to pay more just for the
NBU deduplication licensing (before purchasing the disk) than I would
for something like a DataDomain.

If you're storing data for longer or replicating, or your deduplication
ratio isn't that high, then it tips more to the NBU side.  I'm not
replicating this data, so the price isn't there just yet for me.

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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