We purchased a NetApp VTL 1400 about two years ago. I integrated it
into my backup environment, but I've just never gotten it to do the
things I feel a VTL should be able to do. One of the problems is that
we don't do a lot of restores in our environment, and so I'm not
really sure what the VTL bought us in terms of actual use versus just
being new and shiny.

I've seen other comments here on the board and articles in trade
journals and what not that indicate the industry is trending away from
VTL and opting for either:

* Disk to Disk to Tape
* Disk to a remote site via some type of replication technology
* People ditching tape altogether and just relying or various disk technologies

Now, due to the nature of the data I'm backing up, I have to keep tape
in the picture. In my VTL guide, it says that I can convert my VTL1400
into a FAS 3070 device. It got me to thinking....

Since I've already purchased this VTL and the Front End Terabyte
license from Symantec, what if I:

* Converted my VTL to a small SAN
* Carved up the disks on the SAN and presented dozens of LUNS to my
media servers
* Via NetBackup, turn those LUNS into advanced disk storage units
* Sent all my backups to the Disk storage units
* Used Storage Lifecycle policies to duplicate the images off to tape

In this scheme, when I came in in the morning, I'd have two copies of
everything: 1 copy sitting on my disks storage units (with, say a 1
month retention) and then a secondary copy on tape which can then be
shipped to Iron Mountain.

This, I feel, utilizes my existing infrastructure using equipment,
licenses and support agreements that I already have in place and
optimizes my existing NetBackup domain.

What are your thoughts on this proposed solution? Am I on the right
track? Is this a stupid idea?

One follow up question (assuming idea so far is good):

One thing the VTL had going for it is that I could build dozens of
drives and when my backups kick off at night, everyone gets a drive.
There's almost no jobs that queue up waiting for a storage unit. So
the amount of time it takes to actually perform the backups is greatly

If I change my VTL into a SAN and present LUNS to my media servers to
act as disk storage units, should I make 1 or 2 monolithic 5 or 6 TB
luns per media server to hold all my backup images, or should I make
dozens of 500 GB luns so that each media server has multiple available
storage units which will let me perform multiple backups concurrently?

Thanks for the information in advance.

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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