On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 08:37:09AM -0700, Tony1100 wrote:

> I'm looking into possibly moving to a VMware NBU configuration? and
> backup VM's via datastore, etc.., but I'm not 100% sure how this is
> configured.  And honestly, I'd like to stay with the cheapest solution
> (regarding NBU licenses).  I also heard that if I just purchase
> Enterprise licenses for each ESX host, I can use as many NBU standard
> clients on VM's that I please.

NBU clients are licensed per physical host.  Check with your vendor on

You can purchase enterprise client licenses and perform direct backups
of the Vmware datastore.  This has some benefits.  You can do off-host
backups in a SAN storage environment.  VM disks with lots of files can
be backed up faster than having the virtual server walk it's

Or you can purchase standard client licenses and perform standard
backups within each virtual server. 

In both cases, you only need them for the physical machines.  You used
to need one enterprise client for each OS type (windows, linux, etc.) on
each physical machine, but I believe with 7.x (or possibly even 6.5)
that is no longer necessary.

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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