
Very true--question though, do you lose the ACLs/permissions when you 
backup as a UNC path and/or what caveats have you run into?


On Wed, 28 Sep 2011, Van Liempt wrote:

> We have an eerily similar issue for one of my clients.  The backup takes 
> approximately 30 hours to complete, and the DFSR backups through VSS are hit 
> or miss.  The Symantec support guys are just as baffled as I am.  Call #3 to 
> support finally got me to "The Guy" who let me in on the truth.  Symantec 
> isnt any good at dealing with DFSR.
> His suggestion was to back up the DFS folders using UNC versus through VSS.  
> This has worked, but still sucks as a solution.
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