I have a similar situation here and I tested flashbackup for Linux last
in 2010. I don't mean to dissuade you, but in my test a volume that was
running 30MB/sec with the standard client actually ran 28MB/sec with
flashbackup. If you get any better results I would love to hear about
it. I tested on 6.5.6.


The "Advanced Client" you need is in the "UnixOptions" package. This is
a separate package you have to download from Symantec that has many of
the advanced features for Linux, including flashbackup. As far as I am
aware, this is just 6.5 / there is no patch for it. You install it after
the linux client.


The real secret of Linux flashbackup, is that the snapshot capability
comes from the Veritax Filesystem (VxFS) not NetBackup. So you will have
to create a VxFS volume and configure snapshots properly to get this to
work. To do this you will need to get a copy of Symantec's Storage
Foundation for Linux. (I got a trial copy from my Symantec rep.)


Unfortunately, my notes are sparse. But you are welcome to them (below.)
You will see the last note on 8/21 was the 28MB/sec. At this point the
group with the millions of tiny files decided to purchase a NetApp and
use the SnapMirror to Tape capability for backups. (Works very well.) I
think I could have had better than 28MB/sec, but it requires an indepth
knowledge of VxFS. 




5/26 - Created VxVM volume and VxFS file system.  Mapped to /export


Install dell MD3000 multipath driver


Rescan for new disks: mppBusRescan

parted /dev/sdb
mklabel gpt






[root@pbnas01 bin]# vxassist -g dg1 maxsize

Maximum volume size: 3984535552 (1945574Mb)

[root@pbnas01 bin]# vxassist -b -g dg1 make vol2 3984535552


vxassist -b -g dg1 make vol1 100g 3PARDATA0_1


vxdisk -o alldgs list

disk should be online invalid

/etc/vx/bin/vxdisksetup -i sdb format=simple

vxdg -g dg1  adddisk diskname=/dev/sdd

Add to diskgroup dg1 (disk group 1)

mkfs -t vxfs -o bsize=8192,logsize=32768 /dev/vx/rdsk/dg1/vol1

(May need to use /dev/vx/dsk/dg1/vol1 instead of rdsk)

mount -t vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/dg1/vol1 /export


5/27 - ran flashbackup.  <1MB for 1 hour, then ~25MB/sec.  Slower than
30MB/sec standard run

5/28 - creating .tar file to test total speed

6/1 - contacted Tyler Rothchild for assistance, Test backup sequential
700GB .tar file. ~67MB/sec

6/2 - Case 412-321-125 opened with NetBackup support


Pending: Upgrade NetBackup to 6.5.6


Dave Hamacher

(407) 739-2970




NBU 6.5 client Upgrade Issue


To resolve this issue, please create a file called "version" under
/usr/openv/netbackup.  The content of this file will be the following:


VERSION NetBackup 6.5 
RELEASEDATE Sat May 31 10:25:31 CDT 2008 






8/19 - begin new round of testing.

Test 1

Snapshot: Vxfs_snapshot

Cache: /dev/sdc1

Selection: /dev/vx/dsk/dg1/vol1

Result: Ran for 10 min @ 454KB/sec


Test 2

Snapshot: disabled

Selection: /dev/vx/dmp/sdb1

Result: failed - invalid command parameter(20)


Test 3

Snapshot: Vxfs_snapshot

Cache: /dev/sdc1

Selection: /dev/vx/rdsk/dg2/vol1

Result: 296768000 in 3:19:45


Created /export2 (2TB), Copying /export1 to /export2. 


8/20 - copy complete

Test 4

Snapshot: Vxfs_snapshot

Cache: /dev/sdc1

Selection: /dev/vx/rdsk/dg2/vol1, /dev/vx/rdsk/dg2/vol2



8/20/2010 9:03:57 AM - begin Create Snapshot

8/20/2010 9:04:04 AM - snapshot backup of client pbnas01 using method

8/20/2010 9:04:04 AM - Critical bpbrm(pid=8808) from client pbnas01: FTL
- snapshot creation failed, status 156   

8/20/2010 9:04:04 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=8808) from client pbnas01: WRN
- /dev/vx/rdsk/dg1/vol1 is not frozen    

8/20/2010 9:04:04 AM - Warning bpbrm(pid=8808) from client pbnas01: WRN
- /dev/vx/rdsk/dg1/vol2 is not frozen    

8/20/2010 9:04:04 AM - end Create Snapshot; elapsed time: 00:00:07

8/20/2010 9:04:09 AM - end writing

Status 156


Test 4

Snapshot: Vxfs_snapshot

Cache: /dev/sdc

Selection: /dev/vx/rdsk/dg2/vol1, /dev/vx/rdsk/dg2/vol2 (2 streams)

Result: 1:40 - <3MB/sec


Test 5

Snapshot: Vxfs_snapshot

Cache: /dev/vx/rdsk/dg1/vol3 (formerly /dev/sdc, formatted w/ vxfs in

Selection: /dev/vx/rdsk/dg2/vol1, /dev/vx/rdsk/dg2/vol2 (2 streams)

Result:  1:25 <3MB/sec


Test 6

Snapshot: Vxfs_snapshot

Cache: /dev/vx/rdsk/dg1/vol3 

Selection: /dev/vx/rdsk/dg2/vol1

Result:  258652672KB in 3:12


Test 7 (to tape)

Snapshot: Vxfs_snapshot

Cache: /dev/vx/rdsk/dg1/vol3 

Selection: /dev/vx/rdsk/dg2/vol1



10/18 - Opened case w/ Datalink


10/21 - Testing for baseline

Snapshot: Vxfs_snapshot

Cache: /dev/vx/rdsk/dg1/vol3 

Selection: /dev/vx/rdsk/dg1/vol1

Result:  18156000 files / 2560548160KB in 24:40:20 ~28MB/sec





From: veritas-bu-boun...@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
[mailto:veritas-bu-boun...@mailman.eng.auburn.edu] On Behalf Of Simon
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 1:30 AM
To: VERITAS-BU@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Subject: [Veritas-bu] Flashbackup for Linux - Guidance or advice?


Morning all

I posted about a problematic Linux system with TB's of Data.

Today I have been looking at Flashbackup. I have this working on a
Windows Server, but would like to look at getting this working on Linux.


However... I dont have Linux experience! :-(

Is there anyone that can offer some advice on getting Flashbackup
working on Linux? Reading in the guide, it needs the "advance client"
installed ... but where is it :-(  ? I have no clue!


This might help get around one of the volumes, which is a file level
volume, with tons of small files. 


Apprecaite any feedback


Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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