In Windows Server Manager > Diagnostics > Device Manager
--Under Storage Controllers I am seeing both Qlogic HBAs
--Under System devices I am seeing the Scalar i6000  < The Quantum tape library
--Under Tape Drives I am seeing the 2 LTO3 drives and the 10 LTO5 drives.
None of those shows a yellow question mark.   When I look at properties I don't 
see anything that would seem to be indicating an issue.   (As noted prior to 
the drive installs I was not seeing the LTO5s in Tape Drives.)

I felt confident I have the drivers given that the change to what I saw above 
occurred after I applied the drivers and I am able to see properties for each 
of the drives when I select them in above.

Initially in the NetBackup 7.1 GUI on Windows Media Server > Media and Device 
Management  > Devices
--Under Robots I see the TLD(0) library for all my media servers including this 
Windows server.
--Under Drives I see all my drives but on selecting them only the two LTO3 show 
the Windows server as a host (along with all my other media servers).   The 10 
LTO5 show all my other media servers as a host but NOT the Windows server.

The question about the yellow question mark though reminded me that before the 
driver updates, on the Master in GUI I was seeing red indicators on things 
suggesting an issue.   Due to this I went back to the Master in Netbackup 7.1 
Java GUI logged into atlbks01 selected:
    Media And Device Management
    Configure Storage Devices
    Deselected all servers except the Windows media server.
    Clicked next through most of the windows since it saw the 11 drives in 
partition as robot and the 1 in the other partition as standalone.
    When it went to automatically create the storage units at end I deselected 
the ones it had as they don't match our naming convention.
    Did Finish to exit the wizard.
    After that I expanded Storage then selected Storage Units.
    Selected one of my other media server storage units for LTO3 and selected 
copy.  In the copy I changed
    name to match storage unit naming convention for the Windows media server 
and changed media server to hostname of the Windows media server.
    Repeated same for LTO5 storage unit.
    Verified the LTO3 shows hcart3 as Density and LTO5 shows hcart2 like it  
does on the other media servers.

After that when I went back to GUI on the Windows server itself it now shows 
all the drives.

Final question:  Do I need to make the paths persistent on the Qlogic HBAs?

I don't on my Linux servers using the same HBAs but in my research I had seen 
that mentioned by some folks when troubleshooting Windows even though it isn't 
in the official documentation for 7.1 itself.   I wasn't sure if that is still 
a requirement for NBU 7.1.
From: WEAVER, Simon (external) []
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 1:24 PM
To: Lightner, Jeff
Subject: RE: [Veritas-bu] Setting up Windows Media Server

On the Windows Server, goto Device Manager and please ensure there are no 
devices shown as a "Yellow Question Mark"

Can you double check? If SCAN.exe is not seeing anything, then something is 
blocking the devices from being seen or drivers are not being shown.


[] On Behalf Of Lightner, Jeff
Sent: 30 April 2012 15:07
Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] Setting up Windows Media Server
Thanks for the help so far.   Several people responded saying that I must first 
insure drivers exist at Windows OS level for the library and for the drives.

After working on this I realized that the 2 LTO3 drives I was seeing were 
because it did find drivers for those so it was seeing the 1 LTO3 in one 
partition (which only has that 1 drive) and the other LTO3 from the second 
partition (which also has my 10 LTO5 drives which were not being seen 
presumably because it didn't have drivers for those).   I got the driver for 
the Quantum i6000 from Quantum tech support and was advised the drivers for the 
tape drives had to be obtained from HP.   The drivers for the tape drives were 
downloaded and the OS now sees the 10 LTO5s as well as the 2 LTO3s under Tape 
Drives   (In fact during this process I saw the Windows Device Manager had the 
10 LTO5s as Other Devices so it may have been seeing them all along and I 
hadn't noticed them being in the wrong section.)   For good measure I also 
updated the driver on the LTO3s.

Despite that when I go into Devices under NetBackup it shows me only the tape 
library (as TLD 0 like all the other media servers) for this Windows media 
server and the 2 LTO3 drives.   When I select any of the LTO5 drives it does 
not show this Windows Media Server in the list for that drive (but does show 
all my other media servers).

After some online reading I tried running "scan.exe -all" but it didn't output 
any useful information.

Also since I had earlier enabled Persistent Binding in Qlogic SANSurfer I 
disabled it and rebooted thinking perhaps it had persistently bound "nothing".  
 That didn't help.

Any ideas on how to get NBU to see the LTO5s for this Windows media server 
given that the OS now sees them?

[] On Behalf Of Lightner, Jeff
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2012 11:14 AM
Subject: [Veritas-bu] Setting up Windows Media Server

Netbackup 7.1
Windows 2008 R2
Qlogic QLE2460 HBAs
Quantum i6000 Tape Library with (HP) Ultrium5 and Ultrium 3 drives.

I'm a UNIX admin so don't really know my way around windows well.   The HBAs 
show up in Windows but no drives beneath them.   The HBAs show up in Qlogic's 
SANSurfer and I see "type" as "disk" for the library and it doesn't seem to 
have a place to change "type".   In SANSurfer I do see LUNs for each of the 
tape drives.    After doing some research I used SANSurfer to turn on 
persistent binding and rebooted but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

When I go into NBU console and try to create storage units it shows me the TLD0 
but has it in red so presumably there is a problem.  If I try to go ahead and 
configure it it says:
"The device is not supported by the volumes wizard at this time".

Are library is partitioned so that all but 1 of the drives is one partition and 
that 1 drive (an Ultrium 3) is in the other partition.   In the Windows devices 
I see the Ultrium 3 as a tape drive and the NBU storage units show that as 
well.   The windows devices do not show the drives from the other partitions.

I do have the SSO and Tape Drives options licensed on the server.   All the 
appropriate NBU services seem to be running.

If I try to setup storage unit in the NBU GUI for disk storage (for our 
attached dedupe appliances it shows this media server but when I tell it to use 
the tape it doesn't show it.

Any ideas?

Jeffrey C. Lightner
Sr. UNIX Administrator

DS Waters of America, Inc.
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