I need one information on the SLP but befre that let me explain my setup.
I've one Master server and under that there are 6 Media Servers. - Total 7 
Server Names: Server 1 to Server 6 (All Media Servers)
Server 1 Media server is taking backup of all the clients in the dedupe pool 
and I've configured SLP and duplication jobs are running on Server 2 & it is 
happening over WAN to the dedupe pool which is configured on all the media 
I want to limit my bandwidth which is used at the time of duplication.
For e.g. I've 100Mbps of link I want to limit the duplication jobs to use 
only 30 Mbps and at any cost duplication jobs should not exceed this limit.
Can anyone please assist me on the same.
If the scenario is not very clear please let me know what further information 
is required.

Hemant Gambhir
Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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