I am getting a 3817 error when I try to restore a flashbackup.
6/15/2012 5:58:31 AM - begin Restore
6/15/2012 6:04:40 AM - media S50319 required
6/15/2012 6:04:40 AM - media MD1216 required
6/15/2012 6:04:40 AM - restoring image server01_1336662589
6/15/2012 6:04:43 AM - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:06:12
FlashBackup-Windows policy restore error(2817)
I have tried selecting raw partition backup, normal backup and still get
this error.
If I do file level restore I can only select about 1/3 of the partition at a
time and not get the error.  I have 5 drives I need to restore and I really
don't want to do them in pieces.   Anyone have a clue how to resolve this?
Doug Preston

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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

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