There's at least one knowledge-base article on how to do that, but I don't
have its number handy.  :-(

My too-old NetBackup experience (i.e., I expect there to be better/newer
info now), is that if you are restoring to the same hardware ...

   - install Windows, networking and NetBackup to a separate partition.
   - restore your Windows partition stuff.
   - switch back to booting the newly restored partition.
   - restore other partitions.

I'm sure this is too simplified, but at least it gives you the clue that
you cannot restore to an active Windows boot partition nor to the active
registry.   Restoring to different hardware also gets dicey quickly.  There
are probably caveats if this is/was a domain controller.

I always tell people coming to me for their Windows backup:  have the data
you need backed up on a separate partition and be prepared to reinstall and
reconfigure when you have a failure of your Windows partition.

... sort of like when your mother's machine fails and you get to buy a new
machine, reinstall/configure apps, and restore data from Carbonite (or

Cheers, Wayne (NOT a Windows expert)
Veritas-bu maillist  -

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