On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 7:57 PM, Zav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> FYI, I have set up the server as so:
> mkdir -p ~/Documents/svn/projects
> svnadmin create ~/Documents/svn/projects

You could also have done:
mkdir ~/Documents/svn
svnadmin create ~/Documents/svn/projects

which I find more intuitive.

> Now, attempting to create a local working copy on any folder on my Mac
> results in a message like this"'/Users/zav/Desktop/Local' is not a
> working copy.

Right, because if you haven't checked out the repository anywhere, you don't
have a working copy yet.  An svn issue, not a Versions one.

> Also, attempting to select the SVN Server Bookmark and perform a check
> out, to an empty folder on my desktop does not highlight the Checkout
> button even if the folder is selected.  If I type in the name of the
> folder that is selected, Checkout enables.  *** Selecting a folder in
> the folder/file list below at this point should put the name of the
> folder in the "Save as:" text entry field and enable the Checkout
> button.

+1, if what you're saying is that right now you always have to check out
into a new folder.  When you checked out, did it create a new folder in the
selected folder called the same thing?  e.g., you select project1, type
"project1" into the field, check out, and you get a working copy located at
project1/project1.  This was annoying last time I checked, but they may have
updated it.


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