I agree with Chris; an external merge/diff tool is a far better idea
than trying to duplicate this functionality within Versions; if it was
provided as part of the client then it'd be fair to expect the
software to cost more, since a merge/diff tool is a nontrivial piece
of functionality.

What we *could* however do with is better workflow for inspecting each
set of changes inside of a changeset you're about to commit. Currently
you have to manually select each file in the 'Changed' view and then
the toolbar; at the very least it should be possible to do this with
each item inside of the commit dialog, but what would be even better
is if you could tie this into some sort of 'Review' system. Where I
work, most code changes undergo peer review before being checked in.
For users on Windows this is easily done from the commit dialog within
TortoiseSVN, but Versions lacks this functionality. If you could open
the changes from the commit list, and perhaps even have a simple
'reviewed' tickbox that automatically ticks after each one has been
viewed in the external diff tool, then Versions would have a distinct
advantage over the leading Windows SVN client.
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