Sorry, I hope it doesn't seem I'm beating the same drum, but I haven't yet heard a compelling case for remembering column *sizes*. I can agree with remembering (1) which columns are visible and (2) the order of the columns (3) for each bookmark. However, as I mentioned in my last email, is there ever a time when you *don't* want the Name column to occupy as much space as possible? I find that regardless of the number or order of columns, I always expand the Name column and shrink most everything else.

Perhaps I'm playing devil's advocate, but think of this from a developer standpoint as well. Do you really need the overhead of tracking and storing each column size? Why devote the logic and storage space to handling custom sizes? I personally would be much happier if Versions just did The Right Thing and showed me the most it could with the columns I've selected.

- Quinn

On Feb 20, 2009, at 4:09 PM, kiddailey wrote:


And my gut says that option 2 is the best approach.  Perhaps allow it
to be stored (along with which columns are on/off) on a per-working
copy/repository, because I can definitely see a need where I might
want to have it different for two different projects.  For example, if
I'm the only user on a project, I don't need to see the name column,
but I would if there were multiple users.

This, in addition to not remembering window position, window size, and
folder open/close states are my biggest pet peeves with Versions.  I
waste way too much time getting everything back into the last usable

On Feb 19, 7:58 am, Peter <> wrote:

Every time I start Versions I proceed to change the column sizes under
the Browse view. The Base, Last, Date and Author columns are bigger
then they need be and the Name column is too small. I like to maximize
the Name column so I can see filenames instead of '...'.

Now for the feature request, I see two possibilities:
1) Intelligent automatic column sizing - Try to make the contents fit
as well as possible within the window size automatically
2) Remember a user's column sizes - They will likely work with similar content so being able to tune the sizes as desired would be a nice way
to go about it as well

If this should already work like this but it doesn't for me for some
reason then please consider this a bug report :)



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