That did it.

I had added an entry following a tip to have line feeds set to LF
which also added the mime type application/x-httpd-php.

Thanks. Thomas

On Mar 23, 5:49 pm, Quinn Taylor <> wrote:
> Since this occurs when adding new files, it seems that Subversion is  
> assigning a binary MIME types behind your back.  :-)  This means that  
> a property of the type svn:mime-type is added as metadata to the file.  
> In Versions, click on the file, view info (Cmd-I) or File > Show  
> Inspector, then click on "Show Raw Properties" at the bottom. You can  
> remove or change the MIME type here for each file.
> The longer-term fix is to make sure that the [auto-props] section in  
> ~/.subversion/config is not set to assign a binary type to .php files.  
> It's probably best to use text/plain, although you could experiment  
> with the non-standard PHP types listed here:  
> BTW, this SVN config file only changes settings on the client (and in  
> this case, only for your user on the machine), not the server. Auto-
> props are a really cool feature of Subversion, but if set incorrectly,  
> they can cause confusion such as this.
>   - Quinn
> On Mar 23, 2009, at 7:17 AM, wrote:
> > I get lately this error when trying to add files :
> > File '/a_path/myupload_lang.php' has binary mime type property
>  smime.p7s
> 3KViewDownload
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