Isn't it merging when you hold alt and drag the dir/file into the dir
you want to merge with.

On May 29, 9:30 am, denisa <> wrote:
> Ditto on the +1 for a Merge feature.
> On May 28, 11:57 pm, drzax <> wrote:
> > Yet another +1. Please. I was so excited about Versions until I
> > discovered this was missing. svn switch too.
> > On May 26, 4:32 am, rwgrier <> wrote:
> > > +1 here. I currently have to fire up another SVN tool (which isn't as
> > > nice) to do merges. Please add merging.
> > > On May 7, 12:15 pm, jcdesrochers <> wrote:
> > > > Just a quick question about Versions development road map.... do you
> > > > plan in a near future to add merge support??? If so... any ETA??
> > > > I'm evaluating the svn clients for mac and the merge functionality is
> > > > a must for us.
> > > > Thanks for answering.
> > > > Regards,
> > > >   J-C
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