On Jun 11, 2009, at 1:04 PM, Kevin Powick wrote:


I'm new to Versions, so maybe I've just missed this, but I don't seem
to be able to select multiple items and then "Ignore" them via the
right-click context menu.  I have to do it one item at a time.  If I
select multiple items, the "Ignore" option is grayed out.

I do realize that I can manually edit the Ignore list on the
Inspector's Properties tab, but was hoping for a quick select and
Ignore option.

Kevin Powick
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I see the same behavior. I never even knew that contextual menu item existed, but it would certainly be nice if the behavior worked as you described. At some point along the way, the Versions team fixed a similar behavior for Local Changes when multiple files were selected. However, it would be nice it the toolbar button were enabled when the selection includes a directory, in which case it should recursively show any changes inside the directory.

   — Quinn

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