Hi Koen,

I just upgraded the SVN binaries to 1.6.2 and changed the preferences
in versions to match.

Now I get a different error:

OPTIONS of 'https://thi...@things.svn.beanstalkapp.com/test':
authorization failed: Could not authenticate to server: rejected
Digest challenge (https://things.svn.beanstalkapp.com)

The problem is that I know get it from the command line also, so now
it seems to be purely SVN related.
Now trying to fix that one :)


On Jun 18, 10:52 am, Koen Bok <k...@madebysofa.com> wrote:
> Hey Colin,
> While we're still not sure why this sometimes happens (it seems to be
> random), you can try the following:
> - Change the subversion engine (but only to a higher version)
> - Add a slash to the end of the url
> - Koen
> On Jun 18, 9:33 am, colin <co...@onepointzero.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I've seen other people have this problem but didn't see a definitive
> > answer posted.
> > I created a new repository on Beanstalk, but I can't access it with
> > Versions, every time I do I get the following error:
> > PROPFIND request failed on '/test'
> > PROPFIND of '/test': authorization failed (https://
> > things.svn.beanstalkapp.com)
> > Now this works fine on the command line and using Cornerstone so it's
> > obviously linked to Versions.
> > I tried a reinstall, a restart, adding a slash at the end of the URL,
> > using HTTP instead of HTTPS... no luck.
> > Any ideas?
> > Thanks,
> > Colin
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