I'm also very appreciative of Marc's contributions. However, bear in mind that this is very clearly an "It would be nice if..." enhancement request that doesn't affect day-to-day usability like the crasher bugs do — this is polish that would make the product nicer, but not a critical fix. (That said, I believe I've requested the same feature, and would love to see it eventually. The error is not clear, and one shouldn't even have the option to get such an error in such cases.)

 - Quinn

On Oct 26, 2009, at 2:28 AM, TheDO wrote:

Hey Versions team, it would be wise to respond to Marc's post here.
It's been 4 days. Marc is a tremendously generous contributor to the
Macintosh platform and I'm thoroughly impressed that he's chosen
Versions as his SVN client. You should be proud to have attracted such
a high-profile customer.

(hope you don't mind the plug, Marc) :-)


On Oct 21, 3:12 pm, Marc Liyanage <liyan...@gmail.com> wrote:
I added some files to my working copy but didn't yet commit.

When I run Show Local Changes, I get a file not found error message:

Can't open file '/Volumes/Foo/bar/baz/.svn/text-base/Foobar.h.svn-
base': No such file or directory

It would be nice if the Show Local Changes toolbar button and menu
item were grayed out when such a file is selected, as they are when a
directory is selected.

Alternatively, a nicer error message that explains that Show Local
Changes does not make sense on newly added files.

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