I have seen something similar on occasion, but it seemed that the filenames got 
mixed up, so one or more of the FileMerge diffs transformed one document into 
another. Closing the diff windows and re-issuing the command seemed to fix the 
problem. It might be a race condition or just not matching up the diff 
filenames with the full path? It hasn't been a big problem for me, but it's a 
bug that would be nice to fix for sure.
 - Quinn

On Jan 20, 2010, at 10:47 AM, Gabriel Gilder wrote:

> Hi there,
> I just discovered a small, probably rarely occurring bug with the
> Local Changes command.
> If you run Local Changes on multiple items with the same name,
> Versions will only generate a temp file for one of them. So for
> instance, say I have a file setup like this:
> A/
>   index.html
> B/
>   index.html
> C/
>   index.html
> If I select all the index.html files and then run Local Changes,
> Versions only generates a temp file (named index.revBASE.html) for the
> one in the A folder, and then all the index.html files in my working
> copy get compared to that file instead of their actual BASE versions.
> I assume this is because Versions tries to use the same temp file name
> for all the files.
> Let me know if you need any more details on this bug.
> Thanks!
> -Gabriel

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