> I know how to do it.*  I'm just saying that from the point of view of
> someone used to working within the Finder, it seems very strange and
> rather inefficient.  The way this seems to work, we have to perform
> three steps to rename a file: rename in Finder, delete old (missing)
> file from the project within Versions, add renamed (new) file to the
> project within Versions.

Subversion (and Versions) has a 'rename' function that does this. It
is in the right-click menu for the versioned file.

> *Though I did have to figure it out by trial and error.  Is there a
> manual anywhere that tells me about the user interface of Versions,
> what the numbers after the projects refer to, what the question mark
> in the blue bubble means, etc.?

There are tooltips that pop up after a while (maybe too long of a
while) that say what those are.

> What I'd like Versions to do is, when a folder is committed, notice
> (as it clearly does) that some files are missing and *assume* that
> this means the user intends to delete them (maybe even pop up a dialog
> box asking for confirmation), and then pass Subversion the command to
> delete these files.  Similarly, if it notices on commit that there are
> files present in the folder that aren't in the Subversion database,
> I'd like it to *assume* that these files should be added to the
> project as part of the commit.  (Obviously this should be an option
> rather than the only possible behaviour.)
> Or is this not the way Subversion should be used?  If not, what should
> I be doing instead when I want to add or delete files?

I'd like to see the feature to automatically add as well.

But the reason why this is not the default behavior has to do with the
dominant use case, which is programming. It is common for your
compiler or editor to make a bunch of a auxiliary or temporary files
that live in the same folder as the files you really care about. So if
you could make it automatically add things, you would get a lot of
extra stuff in your repository that you don't need. If you're working
in teams, you wouldn't want to deal with all the random things your
colleagues put there, and vice-versa.

Source code control isn't a fancy snapshot of whatever is on your
disk. There are other tools for that, but I haven't used any for a
long time since I have been conditioned to deal with subversion's
neuroses. Subversion and other tools like it are social things that
represent the combined efforts and maintenance of groups of people
over time. The more it does automatically, the greater the risk that
unwanted files sneak into the system. You said you were deleting and
re-adding files under different names. In doing so you lost the
history of a file because subversion doesn't know the connection
between the old and new versions of the file. This probably doesn't
really matter in your situation, but at some point in the future it
might if you need to revert to a previous version of the file from
before its name was changed.

I wonder if there are tools similar to source code control but for
media projects?

;; Gabe Johnson
;; PhD Candidate in Computational Design - Carnegie Mellon University
;; CoDe Lab: http://code.arc.cmu.edu/
;; Personal: http://six11.org/

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