Users - more trouble than they're worth?

Thanks for the rpms - very slick.

Anyway, bugs and requests. I might have mentioned these but might as
well put them on record:

Starting and immediately quitting brings up a "document is modified,
save first?" dialog.
The dialog box title is "veusz <2>" (or "veusz <n>"). Something like
"confirm close" would be nicer.

The latex-style characters don't all work. Most lowercase greek
letters do, and a few uppercase ones, the rest just produce a normal
letter (this is on my machine, also FC2 with the standard fonts up to
date and the MS core fonts installed, so if it's a font problem it's a
weird one).
Also \odot and \circ don't work, which is a real problem since the two
graphs in my paper I want to use veusz for have solar masses and
inclination as their x-axes.

Histogram support would be useful.  Automatic binning would be great.

Finally, displaying the logo when there are no graphs looks a bit
weird and doesn't really add anything.



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