On 28/09/11 12:23, schnumbl _ wrote:
Hi together,

1: Is it already possible to import data from the clipboard? If not,
would it be
possible to write a clipboard import plugin?

It would be possible. You'd need to use Qt functionality to get access to the clipboard object, however, and ignore the file given by the user. It's probably not the correct way to add this functionality to the program, but it would work. You could instead write a tools plugin to avoid the file dialog.

I really need to add a way to import data via the clipboard. I'm not sure whether to just have a simple paste (maybe in space separated data) or whether to make it like a file source for importing. Both would be useful.

2: Is it possible to automatically generate "single x - many y"-plots
from a selected data range?
And if not, could I extend Veusz with a plugin to support such a wizzard?

Yes - you could write a tools plugin which would allow you to select a dataset for x and more than one for y (or some sort of name to use). It could then add xy plotters for each combination of x and y to a graph.

For the longer term, I'd like a feature where lots of datasets could be "bound" together for plotting together, but I'm a bit hazy how this would work in practice (formatting, for instance).


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