OK, so you have finally sparked my interest. I am going to plan to attend
Sowbug next year. However, I do have some questions:
How close is the event to an airport, I will be traveling from Maryland?
Where do most people stay?
How does one sign up to tie or do you have to be invited?
How close is the fishing to the event?

George Vincent

-----Original Message-----
From: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com [mailto:vfb-m...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Allan Fish
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 07:22
To: flyfishingandflytyingforpanf...@yahoogroups.com; Virtual Flybox; Fly
Fishing Digest
Subject: [VFB] Back from Sowbug

Probably the best Sowbug ever for our group.

I wondered what happened to Jeff Frye, but saw amidst the backlog of e-mail
that he had a strained back and was only at the get-together 
on Friday - the day I was out playing.   I'm sorry I didn't get to 
see him.  Several others who I spend time with weren't there and were missed
- Jimmy Moore, RIck Zeiger, Bruce and Brandon Whittle, and Dennis Conrad
come immediately to mind this morning.

I did get to see several others from one or more of the groups. 
Kevin Slater and his handsome son chatted with me for a while.  As I was
wandering around, Kevin's son was sitting there tying with Dad and I regret
that I didn't have my camera with me at the time.

Joe Fusco.....John Maples.........I won't try to name all the others
- I would omit some accidently.  When they update the website you can check
out who all was there.  And many tyers who are not on the list who have
become friends over the years.

Many great tyers were there - some of them very well-known (Jay Fullum,
Stack Scoville, Jeff Hines, Kyle Hand), but some of them not, 
but still great and innovative tyers.   And yes, I know the word 
should be spelled 'tiers', but to me tiers means 'layers' and sounds like
"tears", and although we were using chicken feathers, I didn't 
see any setting hens there.   So I spell it "tyers" to dispell 

I learned many new flies and techniques.  The cameraderie amongst 
tyers was great.   The audiences were attentive.

I was able to teach three young men (10 - 14 years old) how to do the whip
finish by hand.  Two adults watched and then had me show them.

I gained five pounds, so that speaks to the cooking.

The weather was the best it ever has been.  The generators were shut down
for the entire time so the White & Norfork were the most fishable it ever
was.  We got to visit Crooked Creek, so that was a first.

I caught a trout on my very first cast with my new Dave Lewis Rod.

One of our group caught his first (and second and third) trout on a fly rod.

But the biggest thrill of all was to actually go fishing with Tony Spezio.
And getting a hug from his wife Dot.

I probably shouldn't mention the peach jelly and mahaw jelly I got to bring

As I said.  This was the greatest Sowbug Roundup ever for the group from


Allan Fish
Greenwood, IN

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