MeddelandeI see Nick is slacking off on his medications.
You need professional help, my friend.

You are the one that missed the personal tutoring offer 
when you met up with DonO at the Sowbug a few years ago.
But Noooooo, you had to get loaded up on root-beer floats
instead.  Now you'll just have to wait.

Rolling those thumbs is good exercise for the rope-dub.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Niclas Runarsson 
  Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2009 5:32 AM
  Subject: [VFB] DVD... rolling thumbs

  Me: That's the sh***y thing with living overseas. Others get their DVD's 
after a couple of days... while I have to wait and read about it. It's like 
being a child after Christmas, hearing all about the cool presents your friends 
got... while you aren't allowed to open your own until New Year's Eve. :o(

  Jester: Stop whining about everything and do something constructive! 

  Me: Bahh! Who invited you in the conversation. Go back to your 
cross-stitching DVD.

  Jester: Did I hear some patronizing from that little cookie hole of yours... 

  Me: Cross-stitching is for women who haven't found anything else to do with 
their time.

  Jester: Well, at least we can enjoy our DVD's... while others are rolling 
their thumbs whining.

  ....... and so Jester wins another round.

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