Finished up some of my "Promised" flies today and got them sent out.
Had planned on planing out some bamboo for a 1 wt rod but I did not get to it.

--- On Mon, 11/30/09, Jimmy D. Moore <> wrote:

From: Jimmy D. Moore <>
Subject: [VFB] VFB mighty quiet today
To: "Virtual Fly Box" <>
Date: Monday, November 30, 2009, 3:42 PM

Mighty quiet today.  

I don't know about ya'll, but I've kinda enjoyed the peace 
and quiet we've had these last few days. Now we
have a little lull and that perplexes me. I've been looking
to see a post that all of us can join in on and help 
another VFB member.  Or at least have a fishing/tying
problem to share with the group.  I've even tried to slip
in a controversial Quote for the Day, but only one or two
of you have commented.

I'm sure this is just a passing thing and you guys are'
either fishing, tying flies or doing other family oriented
stuff.  Many of us have been blessed with the opportunity
to go fish. I wish I could, but alas, my feet are so shot
that the only wading I can do is on a smooth, gravel bottom.

So, I'm tying more flies than usual and working on my second
outdoor humor book.  Jody say's I'll never finish it, but I
will just to spite her. I'm looking forward to Sow Bug and
getting to see old friends.  I've missed the last two because
of family opportunities.

I love the VFB and without it, there would be a big hole in
my heart. You guys have done so much for me and especially
for Jody during her bout with breast cancer.  I love you guys
and gals, and count all of you as "Family."

SO . . . What's going on in your neck of the woods.  Anybody
want to talk about spine vs spline or Furled leaders?  :-P  ;-) 

P.S. If you have a new rod, reel etc. that you'd like to brag on
now's the time to do it.  I'll start it off.

My oldest son gave me a brand new Tibor Light fly reel for my 70th
birthday.  Its a neat dark green and is the Tail Water CL model.
and is engraved with my name and Happy 70th Year of Fishing.

Have A Goodun.


****************  ><((((((((º>  ******************
JIMMY D. MOORE, Amateur Radio Station  WB5RHT
Moon Holler Misfits Fishing & Hunting Club, author
Past VP Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited, Member 
TOWA, North Zone Fishing Editor Emeritus,Texas
Fish & Game Magazine, Scout Exec. BSA, Retired
Website -                      
*****************  <º))))))))><   ****************



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