Gonna be off the lists for a couple days until I get this email mess straightened out. It keeps locking up on me when I try to open a post. Until then I'll try to make do with webmail.

Anyhoo, here's the Quotes for Fri, Sat. and Sunday

"He slept with his fly rod standing in the corner next to his bed. He didn't bother taking off his shirt and pants. His vest on the bed post and his wading boots placed where he could swing off the bed like a fireman and ram his feet into them. His fishing hat was by his pillow. The only difference was that he didn't have a brass pole to slide down to the stream.©

"Handling a big trout in swift water is akin to flying a kite on a blustery day. The more line
you let out, the more trouble you're going to have getting it back. " ©

"Tying flies is the next best thing to fishing them, especially during the cold winter months
or when trout season is closed."©

Jimmy D. Moore

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