"How like fish we are: ready, nay eager, to seize upon whatever new thing some wind of circumstance shakes down upon the river of time! And how we rue our haste, finding the gilded morsel to contain a hook. Even so, I think there is some virtue in eagerness, whether its object proves true or false. How utterly dull would be a wholly prudent man, or trout, or world!"
Aldo Leopold "A Sand County Alm
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JIMMY D. MOORE, ARS WB5RHT,author Moon Holler Misfits
Fishing & Hunting Club, Member, TOWA, Past VP Guadalupe
River Trout Unlimited, North Zone Fishing Editor Emeritus,
Texas Fish & Game Magazine, VFB & FFW Moderator, Scout
Exec. BSA, Retired, http://bigtroutman.tripod.com/index.html
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