That's all we'll admit to, even to the cop.


----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: [VFB] Fuel prices and contamination- I am spoiled

are you allwed to go _that_ fast to your fishing spots?

-----Original Message-----
Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 03:49:52 +0200
Subject: RE: [VFB] Fuel prices and contamination- I am spoiled
From: "J Balmer" <>
To: <>

Your truck only goes 75 MPH? THAT'S a hardship...

FROM: []
SENT: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 3:15 PM
SUBJECT: [VFB] Fuel prices and contamination- I am spoiled

I've often wondered what it would be like to live in a horse and
buggy community, like the Amish.

Anyone know the pros and cons- like really ?

I am spoiled- love my truck heater and AC as I travel, and my tunes,
and my heated seat, and 75mph,

and 4wd, and 4 hours to Denver, 10 min. to the ER, and the ability
to hop in the truck and drive 2000 miles to the Keys, and...


----- Original Message -----
FROM: Chuck Alexander [1]

TO: [2]

SENT: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 1:56 PM

SUBJECT: Re: [VFB] Coal Bed Methane (CBM), how to make a choice...

Yep... It's like prisons. We ALL want the bad guys locked up, just
NOT in "our communities", Chuck

----- Original Message -----
FROM: Don Ordes [3]

TO: [4]

SENT: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 12:59 PM

SUBJECT: Re: [VFB] Coal Bed Methane (CBM), how to make a choice...

Neville, I understand totally. This is not a political debate, but
a reality we all face and have caused by living in a technological
age. As long as we operate vehicles and heat our homes (and AC them),
we are going to need sources of power. This is what it's all about.
No one, including me, wants to see the the sacrifice of our land and
liviability surrendered to the unscruplous and loosely handled
operations of the greedy energy conglomerates and Wall St. We all
want it, but 'over there, not here'.

That's what's driving the whole industry to look for alternte fuels
and sources of power. So now in Wyoming we have huge windmill farms
that are just as bad as CBM (or logging was) for desecrating the
landscapes and horizons. They have to have roads, maintenance crews,
distribution lines, etc., and all this messes with the enviornment.

No one wants dams anymore, so tear them down. Coal companies fund
those efforts.

No one wants oil or natural gas operations, especially near them.
Obvious reasons, as Neville stated.

No one wants the pollution of coal-fired power plants, although with
proper scrubbing, they're much better than they used to be. (But
electric cars will be needed to make use of the transportation

Solar power is an option for generating electricity, but decades
from meaningful contributions (like windmills).

Geothermal is being done, but too few places, and most of them
parks. Volcanoes are a good source of power, but are problemmatical
and usually require human sacrifice. (lol)

Here they want to take the windmills down in lieu of scenery and the

Bio-fuels are expensive to produce, like ethanol, and this has come
under fire for corruption and inefficiency.

Some local waste-gas systems are efficient, but don't affect the big
problems, not yet anyway.

Hydrogen may be a way, but it is very problemmatical.

Offshore methane hydrate deposits may have more btu's locked up than
all the other sources on earth combined, but it is very hard to reach
and expensive to get to the surface. We don't even have the
technology yet to get it, but some proposals are out there. I say
slurry- we'll see.

If we can harness lightning, that could be a source, but again, is
decades from reality.

Nuclear Energy is making a comeback (as GB would say- 'nucular'),
but that has it's risks, too. Do you want to live downwind of one?

Wood-burning in fireplaces is banned in cities all over the country
because of smoke pollution.

So, in the big picture, what's working against your favorite fishing
and recreating areas? Demand and control. We demand and they
control. 'We' are the users and 'they' are the providers (along
with the 'parasites' of the providers). Everyone who has their hand
in the fuel-till is a parasite of the provider, and the provider is a
parasite of the land. Even if one is an energy investor, he has a
responsibility for the harm done. So a portion of every dollar you
spend on fuel is used to wreck your environment (or their's), and then
line the pockets of rich people & politicians, and then get you where
you want to be, heat your home, and cook your burgers. I don't have
to explain how powerful the oil companies are when it comes to detroit
and mpg for cars. Wow, all of a sudden cars are getting 35+ mpg. Why
didn't they do that 20/30 years ago? Shall I name all the players,
your governments included? So we decided to make OPEC rich and then
deal with the consequences later (shifting the burden to our
children). But at least they not gathering energy on our favorite
plot of land.

I am very environmentally consious in my designs, and I teach the
same thing to operators. And I believe that fines do no good with the
beaucrats in bed with the energy companies. But every dollar we spend
on fuel of any kind that is gathered and transported to us for
convenience puts the responsibility on us for the problems we face.
And 'do it there, not here' is not a solution. 'There' is always
somebody else's 'here'.

So unless we want to ride bicycles to our fishing holes, we're all
responsible for the big ol nasty energy picture, and are at the mercy
of those who have the means to provide mass consumption energy. In
populated countries where there are no cars, the pollution comes from
burning wood for heat and cooking- if there is any left to burn.
There, charcoal makers are the industry of need, to cut down on city
smoke, and they, in turn, cut down the forests, which pollutes the
rivers, which takes away from their fishing for a living....

"Anguish of nations, not knowing the way out."


----- Original Message -----
FROM: Neville Gosling [5]

TO: [6]

SENT: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 10:41 AM

SUBJECT: [VFB] Coal Bed Methane (CBM)

And now for the fishing content:-

I and many other residents of Britsh Columbia (BC) are vehemently
opposed to coalbed methane extraction. The Government and Industry are
only interested in the almighty $ and will gladly destroy a pristine
part of BC in the process. This tends to happen around some of the
best fly fishing rivers in the province. CBM poses a risk to: -

· Water sources contaminated by chemicals used during the
extraction process, and by the unanticipated underground migration of

· Farmers' fields rendered useless by huge volumes of polluting
water, produced during the extraction process.

· Rural landscapes transformed into networks of roads, pipelines,
flaring gas wells and compressor stations whose ceaseless hum has been
compared to that of a large tractor.

· Plummeting values of adjacent real estate.

· Conservative, multi-generation farmers turned activists after the
promise of land rental fees is overshadowed by ballooning industrial
development rolling unchecked over private land.

The Elk River near Fernie, BC and the Morice/Bulkley River near
Telkwa. Please refer to the following URLs. [7] [8] [9]

Sorry DonO but CBM is not wanted here.

Neville (Nev) Gosling
Greater Vancouver,
B.C. Canada

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