You should never leave the premises that you get injured on without calling a 
cop and filling out a report. This is legal proof, plus getting any 
eye-witnesses reports to the officer. Dollar can argue against any photos after 
the fact. Next best thing is event eye-witnesses  written accounts (if you can 
after you left) and then store security camera footage.
Their lawyers are paid to look for any loop-hold to get them off the hook. 

From: Chuck Alexander 
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: [VFB] Prayers needed for my wife

Don: Sorry to hear about that. I’m with Joyce and think your friend died from a 
blood clot that went to her heart. We JUST got my wife home. Have to follow up 
with our family doc Tuesday to get another “INR” (test to determine blood 
thickness/thinness I guess is what it actually is), and from there, she’ll 
probably be on Coumiden for at least a few months and they told her “NO GREEN 
LEAFY VEGGIES... PERIOD”. I had never heard that before, but something about 
the iron or something in green leafy vegetables can cause new clots I guess.  
They never could determine what caused it, but they kept asking her if she 
smoked, which she NEVER has. I’ll tell ya what I think. And I’ll also tell ya 
what I now think of Dollar General stores.

Last week or so, she was in a Dollar General store near here, and it’s a tiny 
store. So tiny, and crowded inside that they don’t have a buggy rack outside. 
It’s inside the store. Well, they had it turned a little cockeyed, and somebody 
was trying to push their buggy back in the rack, and almost ran my wife down 
with the buggy. She smashed her wrist against that buggy rack, and by the time 
she got home, it was really swollen, really painful and had a small cut.

Soon as it happened, she had blood dripping down her hand, and the store 
manager didn’t even offer to get her a band-aid, or paper towel or anything. 
Just basically ignored my wife. So, she got home, emailed the home office 
because there homepage has no phone number.  Waited a week, and NO reply from 
the email. So she called another local store, and they gave her the corporate 
number and she called then and explained the situation. They said the local 
district manager would call her and get things straightened out and talk to her 
about it. He still has NOT called either. Sooooo. She has one more phone call 
to make, and that will be to a lawyer I’m thinking. I took pics just as soon as 
she got home, and the pics are digitally time/date stamped, so we have those as 
“proof”. I know one thing. We’ll have  to need an item pretty bad before we 
shop at another Dollar General I can tell ya that. I think that hit caused a 
blood clot to break loose, cause it was bruised BAD, which means that it WAS 
bleeding internally. I don’t want to be “sue happy” like this country is 
getting to be, but enough is enough and to not even get a phone call to check 
on somebody who was injured in one of your stores is unacceptable.  I have a 
little piddlin Associates Degree in Business Management, and in just that 
degree program, we learn that that is NOT the proper way to practice business. 

From: Don Ordes 
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 8:05 AM
Subject: Re: [VFB] Prayers needed for my wife

Prayers here indeed for you, your wife, and your family.  This is something 
that can be dealt with.
Cancer, a much tougher problem. 
Heart attack? All depends.  My dad’s boss lived 30 years after a massive 
attack.  My dad lived 2 seconds.

We just lost our best friend to a heart attack  (just 59) a couple of days ago. 
 Here one minute, gone the next.
A couple here we’ve known for over 20 years, church members and camping buddies 
Coleen, my wife’s best friend, fell down the stairs and shattered her femur a 
week ago.
They operated on her (under totally) to put in a plate, but never gave her a 
heart exam (unusual).
I was amazed how cheery she was when we visited her at the house when she got 
Then a couple of days ago, she felt real ill and Chad took her to the emergency 
She passed away on the operating table.  Needless to say, my wife and I are 
feeling a terrible
loss right now.  
I’ve imagined what a basket-case I’d be if my wife passed away.  She’s 
definitely my way-better half, like 7/8ths.
I visited my best friend yesterday and that is just what he’s going through.


From: Chuck Alexander 
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2013 7:38 AM
To: Cheaper Living ; ; 
Subject: [VFB] Prayers needed for my wife

Folks: My wife (and I) need your prayers. She had been short of breath for a 
cpl days, and thought it was her asthma acting up, so she was going to town 
yesterday and was going to stop off at our GP doc to get her inhaler refilled. 
But, they told her to go on to the ER if she was short of breath. Got here, and 
after many tests, they found several blood clots in her right lung. This was a 
shock to say the least. They think it’s because her job is working from home as 
a customer support tech and has to sit for 8-12 hours straight, with only 30 
minute lunch breaks etc. Anyway, the good news is that they started her on 
a‘'heparin drip” and it seems to be working they say. Doc says that if all goes 
well, she can probably go home tomorrow evening provided a test they do to test 
you blood to see how thin it’s getting. Hers is the standard “base” of a 1, and 
it has to be a 2 or a 3 in order to go home.  Then, I was stuck at home till my 
daughter could get home and bring me up here, and I’m at home having MAJOR 
panic attacks causes these things are DEADLY if not caught and treated early. 
So, I started reading all I could about them, and the good news is that, caught 
early as they say it was, it’s almost always treatable/curable, she just may 
have to take blood thinners for the rest of her life. Small price to pay vs the 
alternative we think.  Then, just now, about an hour ago, her IV “blew out” and 
the IV fluid was going into the muscle and next thing we knew, she had a lump 
the size of a golf ball where it was located. took two nurses about 30 minutes 
to find a good vein, but they got it squared away and all is working well 
again. I must say, that both her docs, and ALL the nurses have been just GREAT 
(Knock on wood, cause you always seem to have that ONE single “Sarge” nurse, 
who seems to have anger issues with the world LOL... Thanks, Chuck
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