Folks: First off, I hope everybody has a Happy Thanksgiving and remembers to be 
thankful for the things we have whether it’s our health, a roof over our heads 
or whatever.

That being said, we had to put our dog Chico (see attached photo) down today. 
He had herniated his bladder and needed a VERY dangerous, and VERY expensive 
($2500 minimum and could be up to $5,000 after they got in there to see what 
they were really dealing with)  that we just didn’t just have surgery to  
ATTEMPT to fix it. What made if more dangerous was that no vet around here had 
ever even seen this particular problem, and they sais that at 15+yrs old, it 
would be a 50/50 shot at him even waking up from surgery. So anyway, he had had 
it for a while now, but e could still urinate properly and wasn’t in any real 
pain as the hernia would pop out and then go back in after he’s go to the 
bathroom. But yesterday evening, we let the dogs out to go to the bathroom when 
he came in the hernia was still sticking out and would not go back in. He also 
had stopped eating and/or drinking anything by the time we got him to the Vet 
with a 24 hour ER service, and they recommended that at his age and the given 
prognosis, the best thing was to put him out of  his misery. 

For any pet lovers here, you know what a hard decision it was to do that, but 
we’d rather that than to see him in pain and moaning and groaning and it would 
not heal itself. He had been my fishing buddy since he was born back in 2001. 
He LOVED to go out fishing and especially in the boat (again, see the photo), 
but soon as we’d leave the dock in 5 minutes he’s be sooooo excited by getting 
to go fishing only to lay on the cool aluminum bottom  of the boat and sleep 
till we got through fishing LOL... Just the work fishing like I said, sent him 
into a fit. He’d go outside and jump into the boat, which was almost 4ft off 
the ground when it was on the trailer. All our other dogs could take it or 
leave it as far as fishing goes, but Chico went berserk. 

Then, I didn’t get to do much fishing this yr as my back and knee has been 
really been acting up, but I went bank fishing at a friends lake just this last 
week and something told me to take Chico with me. I did and he loved it of 
course, even without the boat. I’m sure gonna miss  the old boy cause he always 
let me catch the most fish LOL.. We lost his Momma Peanut back on April 17, 
2014 at the age of 15 as well (April 17th is my birthday, so that kinda put a 
damper on that birthday, but Peanut was in a lot of pain as well, so it was 
also good that she was no longer in pain and now neither is Chico. Sorry for 
writing a book, but he was a part of the family. He was actually my son 
Daniel’s dog, but he lives in an apt. that won’t let him have pets so Chico 
lived here. We buried him out back just a little bit ago beside his Momma 
Peanut. Thanks for listening.  Chuck

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