Hi Don,

nice to read your text, at least a good proof that you are still around. However, the content of the reading does not make me happy, what an ordeal.

I hope that everything turn out well, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayer

Best wishes from Germany


On 05/25/2018 08:07 PM, DonO wrote:

it's me, well, a good part of me anyway.
The stroke hit my right half (left side of brain) so lost all movement and feeling on right side of my body.
also lost the vision on right side of both eyes.
so I'm typing with left hand with a small arc of vision.  This is my 1st email work since stroke.

I've been home two weeks now and am progressing with therapy and recovery very well according to therapists. Using my right hand for some things, but still have no feeling, which is weird. I am doing some walking therapy, but again no feeling.  Hope all feeling comes back with time.

Still have appt. with eye doctor next week. Hope he can do something.
Don't know about the numbness in my face, will have to check later- big fallout
of that is drooling at times, and then the constant numbness..

Had to sell the new home we just bought to get a single level. All went amazingly fast and well. Will post new address soon.

Can't tell you how much of a blessing it is to have a fantastic wife who stepped up to the plate as hit nothing but homers since that night.  My incredible sister came up from Mesa as has been an a incredible helper for both Cheryl and me.

Alan DiSomma is due here Sunday and we will be discussing my fly business and what of mine to sell. Plus we'll discuss fate of video projects.

All input is welcome.  Have no idea on what I'll recover after time, but I have a lot to get sold to simplify and cover meds.

Well, at the limit of my endurance for now.  Took over an hour for this 5 minute email.

As you can imagine, I have a lot of recovery time on my hands, so reading emails from my friends would be much appreciated and great for my mental therapy.  Hope you are all having wonderful summers.

Very Best Regards,

-----Original Message----- From: Neville Gosling
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2018 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: [VFB] Don Ordes

This is a real blow after he was looking so good following loosing weight, but time heals and lets pray that he recovers as fully as possible. I have a friend in my fishing club that also suffered a stroke that was followed my more strokes and it came as a complete shock to everybody. He like Don is still in hospital.

Neville (Nev) Gosling
BC Canada

On May 1, 2018, at 10:58 AM, 'Anthony Spezio' via VFB Mail <vfb-mail@googlegroups.com> wrote:

In my prayers
Arkansas Tony
On Tue, 5/1/18,  <f...@tribcsp.com> wrote:

Subject: RE: [VFB] Don Ordes
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com
Date: Tuesday, May 1, 2018, 12:47 PM

Hello to everyone, this is his
son, Donny.

Thank you so
much for all the kind well wishes and words. I was able to
open Don's email and we read all of your messages to
him, as he is unable to read much.  He asked me to thank
everyone and to say hello.

He is still recovering in the therapy unit of
St. Al's hospital in Boise. When he had the stroke he
lost the use of the right side of his body. So his arm and
hand, leg, and even his vision on the right half of his body
were all affected (he can see out of both eyes, but only
from his nose to his left side). Unfortunately he is right
handed, so using his left hand for everything is also
difficult by itself.

However, he is steadily making progress in his
recovery and has regained the ability to move his limbs and
use them to some extent. He still requires a great deal of
assistance to get up and move, but the therapists are
optimistic that he will continue to improve. Only time will
tell how much capability he will recover. He is scheduled to
be released from the hospital to go home this Thursday, but
we will continue with having therapists come in to work with
him to help with his rehab.

Again, thank you all  for your kind words and
support, I will continue to monitor his emails and forward
your thoughts and questions to him.

Thank you.


-----Original Message-----
From: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com
On Behalf Of Rene Zillmann
Sent: Tuesday,
May 1, 2018 8:58 AM
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [VFB] Don Ordes


are there any updates on Don?



On 04/23/2018 03:44 AM, Phxflytyer wrote:
Fellow VFB’ers......

About two weeks ago
Don Ordes had a stroke.
He finished the
Wasatch show and was preparing to go home on Sunday.
Sometime Saturday evening or Sunday
morning he had a stroke.
Was in ECU for
a week and his son came and drove him home.
He is going thru physical therapy now back
in Idaho.

It would
be great if anyone could find the time to send him a get
well email?

Sent from my iPad

Thank You,
Alan Di
Mesa, Az.

Some mistakes are just too much fun to
make only once.

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