For the benefit of anyone who might have similar problems. These tricks are
mostly already mentioned on the list but others might still find them

  I have a Flyvideo3000 with 2.4.20 kernel, v4l patches, saa7134-20030326,

  After about  a week of use the video goes and I get some v4l invalid ioctl
  messages when ever I change channel.

      Fixed by cold reboot.

  On Fixing the above - sound is often not working. Running radio -f <freq>
  will give me (mono?) sound. I can't change channels because I get a message
  about invalid frequency (I think it then refuses the request). loading
  saa7134 always complains the autoscan fails.

  Some playing around with loading and unloading fixed the problem. In
particular I *think* unloading saa7134 and then tuner and then loading
first the tuner, waiting and then loading saa7134 avoided the autoscan
failure problem and gave me a perfectly working sound/video. e.g.

modprobe tuner
modprobe saa7134 card=2

  May be a slight bug in the autoscan which blocks tuning if the "autoscan"
or what ever fails which is avoided by the above. May be just dumb luck -
but I thought it worth mentioning.


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