On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 05:55:55 +0200, petertheman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> OK, apart from that, the "donate" link only shows up if you use the
> tag. You could easily only ask donations for movies you spend a lot of
> time on. Or you could ask for donations to go to a good cause you
> like. Or yo u don't have them.

This is to me what's really nice about this (apart from the part where 
Peter doesn't get a cut ;)). You can just put them up when there's 
something special going on. Like when some dude's copying your name and 
you have to register 'vogblogiobating' as a trademark, or when you're 
getting slashdotted on one specific video.

- Andreas
Commentary on media, communication, culture and technology.


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