By the way, I just had time to review some of the posts.... I noticed
that we now have a
"Cocky Bastard"

Maybe I should just call myself the "Fucking Bitch"

Whaddaya think?

Cheryl Shuman

I can see it on T-Shirts now!!!

<----Note to self, Must license and trademark "Fucking Bitch"
before someone else does.. Most money in entertainment is
made through licensing and merchandising :-)

On Jul 19, 2005, at 3:27 PM, Michael Verdi wrote:

> OMG, just wait...
> On Jul 19, 2005, at 5:16 PM, Cheryl Shuman wrote:
>> Funny I haven't gotten any penis mail yet from the "Flamers"
>> I guess they decided it was best to keep their dick in their pants,
>> now
>> that they know that some women
>> may not have dicks , but we have HUGE BALLS.
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