On 7/21/05, Michael Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  i have very little interest at this point in watching vlogs on a
> television, regularly.

Interesting! This thread has made some things much more clear to me.

For example, *my* eventual goal is to have people watch my videos on a
TV, not via their computer.

(You can't even buy a new PC now without being offered the Media
center...so this is not far off.)

The computer is a terrible place to present video.  People are in
multi-tasking mode.  Personally,  It is rare that I watch more than 2
minutes of video without checking my email at some point (and I don't
think my habits are unique.)

I long for the great convergence when my self-produced, self-published
videos will be available and viewable in a TV setting...when people
have their feet kicked up.  When they settle in to their sofa with a
beer and actually focus on my work.

I am new to vlogging and am now understanding that maybe I don't want
to be a vlogger at all.    (I still think it is SUPER cool, but not my
end goal.)

I just started working with a company that is focussed on full-screen,
all-can-publish, TV-like programming. At first I thought the overlap
with vlogging was substancial, but I am learning that they quite
distinct.   They address similar ideas and I'm excited about both!
(I'll post about the new company soon.)

In any case, thanks for the great brain food!


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