> To those of you who have given in-store demos, is there a certain outline
> you've followed to introduce people to the process? If not, is anyone
> interested in coming up with something of a boilerplate with me? I think
> having a similar outline at all the demos (worldwide?) could be
> beneficial...or, maybe I'm nuts.
> I'm thinking along the lines of a Keynote presentation, along with sample
> videos. Of course, the content could be localized for every market.

i think this is a great idea.
when i present videoblogging to a group, i change it up to fit the situation.
but maybe a standard format might be nice.
id be glad to work with you and others on setting this up.

are you wanting to tecah people to videoblog...or just introduce the ideas?


<URL: http://www.momentshowing.net>
Adventures in Videoblogging


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