> Nathan Peters is now a modern single dad without his children. His
> three adorable children are taken away by social security. I hate to
> sound stupid but: Does anyone here living in Canada or elsewhere know
> how Nathan is doing? His last post was from 28th.
> I really think we as a community need to look after each other a bit.
> Not just when Chuck and Michael get harassed by someone, but also -
> yeah - check up on each other. Be a friendly vlogger neighbourhood, or
> something.

nathan took a break from this list several weeks ago becasue he said
he spent too much time here. so please email/comment to him directly.

i emailed with him this weekend.
his oldest son went to live with his ex-wife.
he still has his other two kids.

the latest videos are not real.
normally i woulnt spoil people's fun...but i dont want people to worry
about a pretty serious issue.


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Adventures in Videoblogging


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