cooperwef wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> This is Tiffiniy Cheng from Participatory Culture here. Just wanted to
> say that we're really
> glad this forum exists -- videoblogging is helping to push media into
> a more democratic
> direction, which is amazing and we're excited to follow in the
> footsteps of your work. We
> think it is really important to make the tools that help videoblogging
> explode as soon as
> possible because we think it is extremely important to make internet
> television as open
> and accessible as soon as possible.  And videoblogging can be as easy
> as blogging pretty
> soon. And we all know what that means.
> We'll be releasing the Mac beta version in a little over a week (http://
> It should be a pretty good
> demonstration of the
> platform, but it is still just a beta and does not have all the things
> we want in there. One of
> these things is a well-designed interface and that's why we're holding
> a design contest too
> ( -- $1000 for winning
> design interface, $300
> for logo, $200 for winning referral via blog or word of mouth) and
> hopefully we'll be on
> track to making something that can support and enhance your
> videoblogs. Please be
> critical of the Mac Beta, but also remember that it's not quite done.
> We're really excited to have a full Windows and Mac launch soon, any
> help or comments
> are much appreciated. Updates coming soon.
> Hope to talk to you all soon.
> Tiffiniy

It's great that you're here!  I'm anxiously awaiting your beta release. 
Please make sure to make an announcement here when you've released it so
we can all grab a copy and give our feedback.


Clint Sharp
New Media Guy & Technologist            Contact Info:

We are the media.


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