Thanks Nathan. Another video aggregator, somewhat like ANT. I have a
question for you that this group might be interested in. When iTunes
started doing podcasts and vlogs a few weeks ago, one of the big
complaints we had with them is that they don't have an open directory.
You can ask to be added, but they control it. The podcasters didn't
like that, and I don't like it either. How do you guys manage the
directory? Is it open? Can anyone be added to the default directory,
or do you have to copy and paste URL's to add feeds like in iTunes?
What are your plans around that?

(ps: your directory page is down)

Oh, and by the way: nice Mefeedia integration! For those who haven't
noticed: in the search tab, you can choose to search Mefeedia, which
focuses your search on videoblogs (as opposed to searching say, Yahoo,
which returns all the video on the web).



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