Demographics are showing to be very interesting. Its time to do a 
survey, but having started with just a few people and building it up 
over time, especially with audience involvement, I feel like I have a 
pretty good idea of our demographics anyway.

First Adopters Of technology
various age ranges
very international

Though we have been doing a lot of work this year in devising 
advertising plans, we recently put that route on hold for a couple of 
months while we pursue another avenue which I hope will work better 
(without need for ads), a process that I should be able to articulate 
and show in a couple weeks.. ..Could be great for videobloggers who 
do not have commercial interests.

On Aug 5, 2005, at 5:07 PM, Jan wrote:

> To the extent that RB has a large subscriber base, oh yes, that 
> would be a
> model for sure.
> Hey, Andrew, what do you have by way of demographics?
> Jan
> --
> "It isn't done alone. Pay more."
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "jmedakev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 3:38 PM
> Subject: [videoblogging] Re: The innocence of the vlogosphere is at 
> an end
>> Is Rocketboom the model for advertisment supported content?
>> Jamie
>> --- In, Chris Baudry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>> I would like to add a third type of Videoblogs: Videoblogs which
>> are done by
>>> experts or small businesses and make them better known, and as a
>> consequence
>>> help them market their services. It includes professionals
>> answering tech
>>> questions, providing "how to" videos... That could include Steve
>> Garfield's
>>> blog (Joshua's remark).
>>>  So there would be a whole continum of situations, the three main
>> types
>>> being:
>>>  1. The Rocketboom model. Like TV, fresh content... Paid by
>> advertising.
>>> 2. The "subtle informercial" model. It is an expert, a professional
>> or a
>>> small business building credibility as they provide valuable
>>> information/help on their videoblog. Paid/supported by the
>>> expert/professional. It is a very valid business model in my
>> opinion as
>>> success is aligned with value received by viewer. It can be tech
>> info but
>>> anything else: health diet, wine tasting...
>>>  3. The personal videoblog model. Talking about oneself, sharing
>> personal
>>> situations. Posted irregularly. Paid/supported by the individual.
>>>  Any thoughts about this?
>>>  Christian Baudry
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