The universe of audio and video will always have all sorts of lengths, sizes and qualities among its parts. There is no right or wrong on this subject. I do agree shorter is better for a lot of things - especially in this early stage of internet distribution.

I so thrilled to have found the Buckey videos at <>. I knew him personally so this is a huge find for me. Thank you so much for mentioning it Steve Watkins. The Real Player series is handing off sockets every minute. I have never seen video distributed this way before. I guess you can stop it any time and pick up where you leave off by keeping the individual part of the string - sort of like a series of little chain links - on your desktop. Very interesting. Wonder how they do that and why? The player keeps handing off to 1-1.5 minute segments while remaining the same name between each thought he states. And the video gets very interesting as the editor or the director used the blue screen to project more than one shot of Bucky simultaneously while he was talking. Can't tell if that was done in post or during the recording. And Bucky directing the director - this is CLASSIC!!!

I think Bucky was the original inventor of the Internet. He was the first person to imagine and postulate the concept of a global interconnected network of computers sharing information for resource re-delegation. However his concept was not at the desktop level because that was beyond his ability to imagine. I took him to Apple to meet Steve Jobs back in the 70's and he thought the Apple computer was "just a toy". He wound up being too old to fathom what we have today. But I did imagine it beyond his mainframe network concept. I tried to tell him this was going to happen but he didn't get it cause desktops were still too weak then.

Thank you so much Steve Watkins. Bucky video for FREE! This is another internet miracle. Wow!! the quality of this video is amazing considering when it was recorded in January 1975. I am totally blown away. I will be posting this news on Future Media TV blogspot site tonight with a personal thanks to you Steve. Thank you soooooo much. I am crying. Bucky is my #1 all time hero.

I will definitely be watching all 42 hours of this set MORE THAN ONCE. And I will be listening to the audio on my iPod even more times. Every minute is a mind blowing experience for me.

On Aug 8, 2005, at 4:04 PM, Steve Watkins wrote:

I like small chunks, but I really love long stuff too. 

Some stuff just cant be handled in little chunks, I like epics. The

temptation to talk of legendary lower attention span in certain

nations is almost too much to resist, but I will try. 

Or do a combination. There is the video of lecture series 'Everything

I Know' by R Buckminster Fuller available free online, I believe it is

42 hours long. But it is also broken down into many hundreds of

shorter clips.

Anyway there is no right or wrong, people differ, and generally I

think anybody could be captivated for longer periods of time IF the

content kept them captivated. Still its hard to create captivating

epics, so its more likely people would watch longer stuff thats on a

specific theme  thats of special interest to them.

To say whether the video in question should be 28 minutes or not, well

I could not say without seeing it first.


Steve of Elbows


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