On 8/9/05, R. Kristiansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Soon we will all be evangelists evangelizing each other about a
zillion different products and business approaches and ways in which
you can make money on your vlogs or just plain give us your copyrights
in exchange for free server space and bandwidth so we can make money
on your content and put that salt on our table.

vlog evangelist oooh yeah baby hire me hire me.

On 8/9/05, Halcyon Lujah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  -I'm personally not doing any back-end (YAY!)
>  My role is more of a test pilot / evangelist for this New World Media Order
> that vlogging is trailblazing.  I have seen the light and I want to spread
> the word. :)

>  I want it too...I want it too. :)

I think we all *are* evangelists.

But it sounds like you're expressing some of the frustration I've heard regarding the recent explosion of vlog attention and the potentially shattered purity. But I think it's a wonderful thing!!


  We're headed for a normal stage of technological evolution.  Lots of creatures step out of the water , we will very soon find out which ones adapt to the air.


Yes, I would love it if Veoh becomes *the* source for video content on the web, tv, you name it.   But my evangelism is about the evolution itself. 

I think it's fantastic there is so much innovation happening in this space... there should be!   But I can't wait to see the tools we'll have at our disposal a year from now, regardless of who designs them.

**Regarding the commerce aspect:

If someone wants broadcasting to be a hobby, that is fantastic, too!
No reason to bother with any of the ugliness of commerce. Believe me, I understand that struggle.
But I've always spent a lot of time and energy into my art.  I've never done it for money. And I'll continue to do it.
But I would sure love it if I had enough resources to stay fed and housed without needing a day job. 

 I used to be so resistant to making money off of projects that I did for love.  Post-hippy guilt, I guess.  But now I consider myself in a war with the status quo... and the war needs time, money, and people.     I imagine having ALL my time to dedicate to my art,  a budget for equipment, maybe someday some staff to help me...  *sigh*

Is everyone with a vlog going to make a living doing so?  Hell no.  helllll no.   But to me, the exciting thing is that some *might.*  

I'll keep you posted on Veoh stuff (when appropriate)  and hope many of you decide to Broadcast there!



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