Wednesday, August 3, 2005, 9:40:02 PM, iwatchedthewholething wrote:

> Does anyone know of some good places to promote your vlog?
> brad

This may be a dumb question, but why do you _want_ to promote your
vlog? What would actually be the benefits of having more viewers?

Everywhere I look I see mass promotion of things, and in every case
well over 99% of the recipients and simply not interested. I would
consider my life _much_ better if all this unwanted crap just stopped.
I can't help feeling that attempting to "promote" a vlog (just like
attempting to "promote" a blog or other web site) is just as pointless
and aggravating.

The way people find things on the internet is by _searching_. The
rules for making it easy to find your vlog are the same as the rules
for making it easy to find any other web site. Make sure the text
accompanying your video contains a good, full description of the
content of your video, and people will find your blog. Best of all,
they will largely be people who are actually interested in what you
have to say! Swap cross-links with sites about similar topics and you
get even better.

By all means have some business cards or descriptive flyers if you
think you might meet people in the real world who are interested, but
that's really just a convenience to help them remember your URL.

Frank Carver


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