Many of us vlog because we believe the medium to be a tool for change.
While we may not necessarily see ourselves as agents of change, we
certainly feel we have our own voices that should be raised in support
of, and against, those things that affect us. We choose video for its
power to affect people in a way that text and audio cannot.

The negative voices are raised everywhere, and the MSM replicate those
negative messages far and wide under the guise of journalism, which is
often just sensationalism. I am particularly aware of the _millions_ of
dollars of free publicity given to the Al-Qaeda messages of hate, when
the MSM picked up clips from Al Jazeera and beamed them around the
world. Bin Laden must have been laughing his azz off.

The historical precedent is strong. One voice, with the means of
production, and even limited distribution, can influence many. I like
Jan's notion of
_broadcasting_ our own statements for change. If we can visualize it, we
can make others see it too.

Laugh your stress away.
Laugh for no reason.
Laugh every day.

Jan wrote:

> <snip>
> I propose repeating in our own media statements of how we want the
> world to
> be.

Beth Agnew, Professor of Mirth

Individual Fireant Explains


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