The numbers represent how many incoming links each site has within 
the last month or so.

Its not a representation at all of how much traffic a site gets. Its 
more one gage of influence. It represents "chatter". The New York 
Times is causing more people to react and write about, and talk about 
the things that they are writing about, more than anyone else.

Boing Boing is more "influential" on the world, to one kind of 
degree, than Fox News.

On Aug 12, 2005, at 5:02 PM, wrote:

> What is the (X) scale across the bottom?
> As a former employee, I know gets over 1 billion pages views
> each month, but I'm not sure what 10,000 X would mean.
> Any ideas?  I'm shocked if these numbers is accurate.
> -Matt
> --------------------------------------
> --- In, andrew michael baron
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> As you probably know, Technorati is not a very good measure of how
>> much traffic one gets, but its a pretty damn good perspective over
>> relative authority and influence certain entities/people have in the
>> world (of the internet).
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